How To Get Instantaneous Health Insurance Free Quotes

So now that health reform has passed and has been written about and reported on so extensively, the only topic left to cover is what effect it will have on us health insurance brokers, and our individual health insurance market. I am about to give a scenario which is based on the current law (yes health reform is now a law), and what has happened in states like New York and Massachusetts where this model originates.

In my opinion (which is based on the General Accounting Office numbers which probably also qualifies as an opinion), individual health insurance will eventually end, at least in terms of agents, just like it has in Massachusetts. where everyone buys insurance from the exchange. So again, individual health insurance will still be available, but only in health insurance exchanges where each state is responsible for their own exchange and which companies offer plans through it.

For our current jobs in individual health insurance to stay viable, everyone would need to do as the law intends, which means buying health insurance or getting it through their employer. The rest of course will either qualify for premium assistance to make up the difference or Medicaid which is slated to expand to cover 35 million more Americans. In and of itself, this is a fallacy, as the state budgets are already so bankrupt and deficit ridden that they have been cutting benefits and coverage to people that really need it since the recession began. In fact Arizona just got rid of their CHIP program (health insurance for children) and would have cut even more, had this law not passed which specifically demands that the states not cut any programs nor make it more difficult to qualify for government health insurance programs.

Further, this new health care law is based on the fallacious notion that younger and healthier people will buy health insurance through the health insurance exchange. This will inevitably not happen because premiums for younger Americans are going to surely (yes there should be no doubt) become so expensive because this health care legislation will leave insurance companies with no choice because this law has provisions that keep premiums for the young and old within a certain ratio and because the young and healthy simply will not ever think about health insurance much less buy it no matter what the law. Not to mention that health care costs have risen wildly in the time it took you to read this article. And finally and most importantly, young people and most of the uninsured right now for that matter will not buy health insurance because the law only penalizes them $695 which is not even significant when compared to what premiums are and what they will become under this law.

Most Americans, probably don't realize this, but in New York for example if you shop individual plans right now, the cost for an 18 year old male is the same as a 64 year old with diabetes and any other condition you can think of. And this premium is about $1000 per month for both the 18 and 65 year old to get only average benefits.

Under this new law, the only people buying health insurance will be people that have insurance now (though many of them will elect instead to pay the penalty, I know I probably would) and everyone that has been declined. The rest will head towards Medicaid and to their employer.
Not to mention that the 80% rule, (80% of premium must go to health care costs) this is the final nail in the coffin for us as health insurance brokers. There will be little to no room to pay us as brokers when factoring in administrative costs.

I though, am not opposed to the 80% rule and believe that this is fair and reasonable. But looking at the final bill that passed, I am amazed at the problems that it will cause, and more importantly it is a financial death blow to this economy. What is my solution? As I said all along, replace the 2400 page document with a 10 page document that sets up a single payer system while at the same time, leaving people the option to purchase private health insurance much like Europe. Everybody wins here, and more importantly it makes our health care system become a significantly less important piece of our gdp. In the end though however maybe in 10 years, that is what this new law will cause because health insurance companies will be unable to make enough money to rationally survive. I am quite certain that the people who wrote this bill know that as it seems like this bill will cause enough pain to force us into it.
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3 Factors To Choose The Best Health Insurance Plan

Often people are confused when it comes to choosing the right type of health insurance policy. But by taking the time to investigate what’s available, the search will truly be rewarding in the end. No matter your circumstance, it all comes down to 3 factors. By looking at these three factors, you'll surely come up not only with the right choice. You'll have the best plan – whether it's a private health insurance or a public health policy you're applying for.

# 1 – Make sure you're in the right network. What does this mean? In health insurance parlance, a network is the list of doctors and hospitals you can make use of under the private health insurance plan you're enrolled in. Therefore, before you make your choice of a plan, you're obliged to check on the right network of doctors and hospitals. The best plan with the right network is one that has a list of doctors and hospitals right within your locale. That way, you won't need to travel far just to enjoy the medical service you need.

# 2 – Opt for one with the best coverage. You may have come across this advice many times. But how will you know you have the best coverage for your private health insurance plan (or any type of health insurance for that matter)? Well, this will then depend on how you'll check on the coverage as provided in company brochures. Basically, you'll look at the "what's covered" section. This will definitely help. But then again, there are a few more must-reads in this regard.
You must see phrases such as "reasonable and customary" or any other applicable phrase that will describe the type of cover you get. Policies should not include amount limits for each procedure covered as well. When you see this, it's about time you back out of that health insurance plan. Better look for an alternative.

# 3 – Know more about the health insurance cost. Once you've considered the first two factors listed above, it's about time you look at the cost of the public or private health insurance before you choose one. Often, you'll look for one with the lowest price. By all means, you can opt for that. But of course, you should always consider what the plan covers for and what type of network is built with this plan. This is the reason behind why the cost consideration is placed third among the list of factors to consider when getting a health plan.

At times, you don't have to grab the plan with the cheapest price. You have to weigh all three factors together to come up with the decision. As with any other types of purchase, a health insurance plan requires contemplation. You have to go through the process slowly but surely. You may always browse private health insurance companies at first. Assess the plans they offer and see if something suits your needs. Once the three criteria are met, then it's time you choose that offer.

By: Michael Smith
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There are many different types of mental issues that can be a real problem for those who suffer with them. Many of these issues include some type of anxiety problem, including one of the more common types of anxiety issues, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In most cases, PTSD occurs when you are exposed to some type of life events that is terrifying or if you are put in a situation where you experience to the possibility of being harmed physically. In some cases, these may stem from some form of personal assaults, such as going through an automobile accident or being in military combat. PTSD can also occur because of going through a natural disaster. What can be done if you have this type of problem?
First of all, it’s important for you to understand that there are some PTSD treatment options that are available which may be able to help you. These include some medications which can help to reduce your anxieties by balancing out your brain chemicals. Another thing that may be possible which will help you through this type of trauma is therapy. A qualified therapist can help walk you through the situation and be able to help you to regain some of the control that you lost as a result of this anxiety disorder.
PTSD is a serious problem and it is occurring more and more frequently in individuals as a result of the world that we live in. If you have this problem, seek the qualified assistance that is necessary to overcome it and to gain your quality of life back again. (Source:
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Small Business Health Insurance - An Employer's Guide to Getting Small Business Health Insurance

Save on your insurance small business can be a challenge. But there are ways to overcome the financial obstacles and the coverage necessary for your business. There are two major benefits of employer-based coverage. First these plans, although expensive, usually. The best all-round protection for you and your employees Secondly, the provision of services plays an important role in attracting and retaining qualified employees.

Why the cover for small business is a lot more than for large companies?

Health insurance for small businesses cost so much because the high quality coverage concentrated among a small group of people. Each individual in the group to another level of financial risk to an insurance company, and this risk is added and distributed from the group. Large companies pay much less because the risk to such a large group, where small business owners see excessive increases in premiums due to one or two members can be distributed. Small companies need their employees under state mandates that require the policy to assure cover some specific health conditions and treatments. Policies of large corporations are under federal law, usually self-insured, and with fewer mandated benefits. The Erisa Act of 1974 officially exempted self-funded insurance policies from state mandates, reducing the financial burden of large companies.

It is not health reform fix it?

That remains to be seen. It is advantages for small businesses in the form of insurance exchanges, pools, tax credits, subsidies, etc., but you can not on a law that is still leaving in the works, and no, you can not account for where to wait the established policy in effect until about the 2013th In addition, the bill will help with the costs, but still does not prevent, the cost continuously. You, as an entrepreneur, you must be aware of what you can do to keep your winnings.

What can I do?

First you need to have the plan options to understand. So here they are.


A preferred provider option (PPO) is a plan where your insurance company uses a network of doctors and specialists. Who provides your care will file the claim with your insurance, and you pay the co-payment.

Who should I visit?

Your provider covers every visit a doctor or specialist in their network. Any care you seek outside the network will not be covered. Unlike an HMO, you must not register your chosen physician or approved by your PPO provider. To find out which doctors are in your network, simply ask your doctor or visit your insurance company.

Where can I get it?

Most providers offer it as an option in your plan. Your employees have the opportunity to do so when signing the paperwork employment. They usually decide on their elections during the open enrollment period, because alteration of the plan will not be easy after this time.

And finally, what it covers?

Any basic office visit, within the network or PPO insurance will be covered. It will be the standard charge, and depends on your particular plan, other types of care are covered. The fee for emergency room visits generally range from 60 to 70 percent of total costs. And if you have to be admitted to hospital, there may be a change in the reimbursement. Specialist visits are covered, but you will need a referral from your doctor and the specialist must be within the network.

A PPO is an option, expensive and flexible for your health insurance small. It provides great coverage, however, and you should ask your provider to find out how you reduce the costs.

HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)

Health organizations (HMOs) are the most popular small business health insurance plans. Under a health insurance plan you register your family doctor and all the specialists and doctors called. Plan participants are free to choose specialists and medical groups, as they are covered by the plan. And because HMOs are geographically driven, the options are limited outside a certain range.

Help healthcare organizations contain costs for the employer, with a variety of methods of prevention, such as wellness programs, lines of nursing, medical and baby care, to name a few. Placing a strong emphasis on prevention reduces costs by stopping unnecessary visits and medical procedures.

If someone gets sick, but it is possible the insurer care by working with health care providers to find out which procedures are necessary. Typically, a patient is required to pre-certification for surgical procedures, which are not considered essential, or that may be harmful.

HMOs are less expensive than PPOs, and this preventative approach to health care theoretically not to keep costs low. The disadvantage is that the employees do not pursue help when needed, for fear of rejection. That being said, it is a popular and affordable plan for their health insurance small.

POS (Point of Service)

A Point of Service plan is a managed care insurance similar to both an HMO and PPO. POS plans require members to choose a primary care provider. To be reimbursed for out-of-network visits, you must have a referral from the primary provider. If you do not, but could the reimbursement for the visit be significantly lower. Out-of-network visits also require that the paperwork to treat submit the claim to the insurer.

TPA offer more freedom and flexibility than HMOs. But this increased freedom results in higher premiums. Moreover, this type of plan told a burden on the finances of the employee when non-network visits start to pile up. Assess your needs and weigh all options before making a decision.


An Exclusive Provider Organization plan is another network-based managed care plan. Members of this plan must be a health care provider within the network, but exceptions can be made by medical emergencies. Like HMOs, EPOs focus on preventative care and healthy living. And price, they fall between HMOs and PPOs.

The differences between one and the other two EPO organization plans are small but important. While certain HMO and PPO plans offer reimbursement for out-of-network use an EPO may not apply to its members for medical appointments outside of your network. EPO plans are more restrictive in this regard, but also in a position to negotiate lower prices, guaranteed health care providers that their members use the network doctors. These plans are negotiated on a fee for services, while HMOs based on a per person.

HSA (Health Savings Account)

An HSA is a tax-deferred account used to pay for current and future medical expenses. HSAs are used in conjunction with health plans, high deductible (HDHP) will do it, not with some pre-existing conditions ineligible. In addition, HSAs are funded with money. Report the terms of this account to your employees is important because a large number of HSAs are underfunded or poorly funded. The health savings accounts were signed into law by George W. Bush in 2003, and was an affordable alternative to a group health plan.

When inquiring about an HSA, there are some things to clarify. While HSAs generally cover routine medical expenses and copays, some dental care and vision to deliver. And since HSAs can be combined with certain compatible plans, it is important to understand how the money will be allocated to account. And finally, you should know about cash out of your HSA balance. The value is taxable and subject to a tax of ten per cent.

HRA (Health Reimbursement Arrangement)

An HRA is exactly what it seems. The employer pays the employees' health. As an employer, you usually have the opportunity to contribute to a fund for the redemption or payment of charges incurred. These reimbursements are tax-deductible, and are tax-free for your employees and save money.

Some providers empower employers by giving them more opportunities. Unlike HRAs HSAs must not be funded with cash by a book entry is sufficient to keep your balance. Usually you can control the aspects of their disposal, such as limits on reimbursement, if you or your employee pays first, and when. The middle of last year rolling

HRAs are increasingly popular option because the control that has given small businesses. Combined with a high deductible health plan (HDHP), could be an HRA be the most economical solution for your small business health problems. It is always best to know compare these plans to PPOs, HMOs, and EPOs, what works best.

Rate service (FFS) or Traditional Indemnity

The fee for service plan is the most flexible option for small business health insurance. You choose your doctor and your hospital. You can see a specialist without a referral. This flexibility, however, comes with more out-of-pocket expenses and higher insurance premiums.

The typical FFS plan has a deductible between 5-1500 dollars. When this number is reached, the seller will take 80 percent of their medical bills, and you have to pay the remaining 20 percent. Due to the rising costs of health care, and the potential for a small number of physician visits of thousands, these plans cost very expensive.

Flexible spending account (FSA)

A flexible spending account is a savings account to use for medical expenses, and is funded by pre-tax dollars. With pre-tax dollars, which means that your staff really show that they have lower incomes, and therefore less tax will be withheld. As an employer, you set the limit to the contributions to the account each year. In addition to the employee contribution, you can also use the account or fund it completely of its assets in general.

An FSA can especially when combined with an HDHP reduce, significantly, the cost of health insurance for small businesses.

You may be warned, money from FSA accounts can not be rolled. However, they are intended for use by two and a half months of the advantages year. A terminated employee is not able to use the remaining funds, unless there is a positive balance and COBRA is elected.

Small business health insurance companies have made significant improvements in its services to simplify the administration of the plan. With HRAs, HSAs and FSA, employees can use their debit cards for medical transactions. Make sure you investigate them thoroughly. You want to ensure that your credit card plan is IRS compliant, and you can use a large number of pharmacies. You also need to check a plan, the eligibility site. Talk to your partner about linking transit, parking fees and the revenue for the same card. When choosing options debit card, make sure to clarify the details of the process Substantion. This is important! In other plans, the provider can assign someone to manage your plan. Or you have to hire someone. Nevertheless, you should be able to access your account and print insurance cards, important papers, etc.

The next thing you can do is to carefully consider your needs. Since every member of your small business plays an important role in your success, it is important that their needs are met. And understanding of these needs is crucial to find the right plan. Learn about chronic diseases and additional information relating to health issues earlier. Find out what your employees think about health insurance, and they in the process.

Setting of an agent or a broker

Find and understand the health insurance for small business can be a difficult task. While some choose to go it alone, others need some professional help. You need to understand the difference between an agent and broker, and how to get the best from each.

A broker

Brokers function independently and usually work for different companies. Once it. Lots of resources that can generally offer more opportunities and a better overview of the market Brokers will help you evaluate the costs and designs of their local plans major airlines. The costs are not everything, you want the coverage you need.

Ask pays the broker, he or she will use its services. You need this information immediately. Some brokers may charge a flat rate charge. Some will receive a fee from an employer, while others receive a commission from the insurance provider. Any commissions could lower their premiums, but not to the point that you care.

An agent

Agents usually offer services for a company. They have a closer relationship with the insurance company as a broker would, giving them more power to make changes to your plan. In some cases, they offer a special plan for less than a broker, and may have access to additional services such as worker's compensation. To find out what different providers offer, talk to more than one agent have. It can be very time consuming, but it could cost you closer to the solution for your health insurance small.

One of the most widely used options presented by agents is the ability to select an employee. This is an arrangement in which employees choose to select. Those who do not cover, it is not required to pay both, and people in need, you can get it without the financial burden on the company as a whole.

How to save on your Small Business Health Insurance Plan

What is important to remember is that it really is. No-cost solution to health care Even if your initial premium is reasonably low, could rise significantly in the next renewal. How to save money on health insurance for small businesses to do a combination of things at the same time to get a good price, and then keep those rates .. And that requires a consistent effort from you, your employees and your health insurance.

First, you can save money by reading the fine print. You must know exactly what your plan covers and what not. There are also roofs binding state. For example, in states like Illinois, the insurance mammograms. In addition, understanding the ins and outs of the plan you and your staff will have a better idea how to deal with your insurance company.

Then you should shave unnecessary benefits. After reading all about your plan, you will find coverage for things that you may not need. The removal of these benefits can significantly drop monthly small business health insurance premiums. For example, elimination of coverage for brand name drug costs by more than 25 percent.

Wellness program have worked wonders for small businesses. A wellness program is a program designed to promote a healthy life within the organization. Competitions weight loss benefit all participants. Add a financial incentive for extra motivation. Stock the fridge work with water, and let literature about healthy living lying around. Search the Internet for calorie counting charts. Awareness entice workers to make positive changes. Assets, exercise, dietary conscious employees stronger immune systems, more vitality and productive workplaces. They also do not treat so many health problems. Fewer doctor visits and hospitilizations will help low annual premiums, because it is your health insurance company to prove that your company is a small financial risk.

Increasing your co-pay and deductible can go a long way to reduce costs. For example, enhanced cooperation saved for only 10 dollars company pays as thirteen percent of their premiums. A higher deductible significantly reduce your monthly premium. To reduce the financial burden of high-deductible plans, health (HDHPs), combine it with an HSA. Combinations like these saved entrepreneurs and employees bundles of cash.

Check for a nurse hotline. The nurse is a toll-free, 24-hour service, seven days a week. Employees can get medical advice from qualified nurses. This method has prevented a large number of people emergency care, and can also be used for preventive care as well. Insurers like Nationwide have them, or you have to purchase a third-party.

Increase the size of your group reduce monthly small business health insurance premiums. In a survey conducted by the American Health Insurance Plans, insurance, small businesses with 10 or fewer people are paying $ 43 more than the average company with 26-50 employees. Check to organizations with other entrepreneurs, colleagues or business associates. Some states also have small business groups and pools for this purpose. Check with your state Chamber of Commerce and Insurance Department.

Beware of plans big discounts. First, there are many scammers try to get your money. They promise lower prices and usually cover little or nothing. The Internet is notorious for trying to cheat, press a buck. If you are with a company that you're not familiar with go, please do your research. On another note, even the best companies can present problems. In an attempt to gain market share, Blue Cross offered small businesses discounted rates in 2008. For 2009, some of these companies have been seen to increase by up to 47% on your premiums. As the cost of medical care rises, the cost of the insurer insurance and discount plans are quickly transferred overpriced.

Save. As mentioned earlier, is in talks with various agents that you expose to the best that insurance companies have to offer. Ask. Other small business owners about their suppliers You can use trusted online resources like eHealthInsurance NetQuote and shop immediately. These services can also compare plans side by side, and allow you to purchase your plan online. Even after their original plan, it is good to evaluate your coverage every year. About what the market offers - this will give you the up-and keep. To keep costs low is a constant effort to change especially with prices and plans all the time from business to business.

Share some of the costs. Their staff Increased employee contributions is not a popular option, but it can be one of the few ways to absorb costs and maintain small businesses have health insurance. Communicate with your employees how to keep costs low, and to remind them that their rise is also increasing your.
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